Okay, so I know that I was supposed to post this a long time ago, but I have a couple of minutes right now, so I thought I would get it done.
Jacob had his star day on December 8. It was a lot of fun. We got to go to music class with him, help his class with a lacing craft (very hard for 4 & 5 year olds), and then I got to listen to him practice for his sing-along with the parents. Here are some pictures that we took.
This was Jacob's poster that he made. He had wanted it to look like a star-just like Kyle's. Unfortunately, Kyle's teacher made his and Jacob's mommy had to make his. However, he did do all the writing himself, with very few mistakes!
Then the class got to ask Jacob questions. I wasn't sure how he would do being "put on the spot" like that, but he did great!
Finally, he got to share a special Show and Tell. He brought in his Bear Hunt game. It was lots of fun to teach the teacher!
Again, I am impressed at what these teachers do all by themselves. They have ten students in a class and no assistant. The kids seem to love being there and I love watching them grow each and every day. I can't believe how fast these days are flying by!
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